
Monday, October 21, 2013

Our 2nd Fall?!

Oh my goodness, where has the time gone? I am literally scratching my head looking back from our last first fall together and it seems like it was just a day ago! Bittersweet memories, take a walk down newlywed lane to our first fall season together HERE and our first halloween HERE.. I can't imagine any other fall comparing to that first one but oh how sweet this one has been so far. I think like wine, the seasons will just get sweeter and sweeter in time. I like to look back to those first seasons though, even while they were not so long ago. It's only been a year since we felt the sweet coolness of the change in weather together, but just as the leaves have changed yet again, so have our lives. Our home is changing every day it seems, our love for each other is stronger than ever and grows deeper every day that passes, we're building memories and preparing ourselves for the God willing seasons to come. 

After digging through some things in the attic, my mother in law remembered that she had a box full of fall decorations with my name on it! Talk about getting into the spirit of fall, this girl was on top of it after discovering leaves and tinsel galore! I was on a high, and I may or may not have gone a little overboard with the decorations, but the buzz I received from all the put up plastic goodies gave off such a homey feeling that I just had to keep going! So then I baked autumn cookies and whipped up a cup of hazelnut coffee. Fall was yet again at the smithies, no doubt.

I think I will like a child, have a fit when I have to take all of this cuteness down, but at the same time... I also found a couple of yummy looking christmas boxes in the attic that I'm sure I will fill their spots with as quick as I take them down! 

So how did I do thrifty pin sisters?
And how are you celebrating fall?!

1 comment:

  1. I am in love with all of your IG posts lately! Fall makes my heart happy! And, it makes my heart even happier to know that we have been married for TWO?! falls! :) I hope you both enjoy this one even more than last year!


i love reading every single comment and i'm grateful for every kind word!

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